Piano / Midi Visualizer Tool

This is a project I’ve been working on lately. I noticed Godot had Midi Input capabilities, and I’ve been trying to teach myself piano and music theory better, so I made this. I think it’s helped quite a bit.


show last 6 notes pressed on the music staff
show current keys held in a keyboard layout
show current keys held on circle of fifths
show pitch and octave of current key being held
show distance between last two notes played
show scale degree of keys held (assumes root is lowest key)
show chord type of keys held (major, minor, sus, dim, aug, add)
sine wave drone capabilities
generative art background varies with pitch, velocity and keys held
flash cards for training sight reading

Future features:

expand flash cards to scales, chords and chord types
high scores servers for flash cards

I feel like it’s helped me figure out patterns and things I probably wouldn’t notice otherwise. I think I might keep expanding it, but I don’t know if I’ll release it or not. I think I might focus on a game next, I think my programming skills are more than competent to make something, but I need to work on my art skills, both 3d modelling and pixel art. Right now I’m trying to make lots of little pixel art icons, maybe using them for a puzzle or card game or something, but mostly to work on my skills.

Categorized as tech

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